Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events


Vania Joloboff was invited for a short stay at Academia Sinica in Taipei Taiwan, in October 2014.

Member of the organizing committee

Vania Joloboff jointly organized with ECNU staff the LIAMA Open Day in Shanghai in July 2014

Vania Joloboff jointly organized and chaired a session at the LIAMA Workshop for collaboration between Europe and China in May 2014.

Mingsong Chen was invited to served as a Session Chair of the conference SERE 2015.

Member of the conference program committee

Vania Joloboff is program committee member of DATE conference workshop on Model Implementation Fidelity.

Mingsong Chen served as a Program Committee member of International Conference on VLSI Design.

Mingsong Chen served as a Program Committee member of the conference SAC 2015.

Mingsong Chen served as a Program Committee member of the conference DATE 2015.


Mingsong Chen was a reviewer for the conferences VLSID 2015, SAC 2015, DATE 2015, DAC 2015.


Member of the editorial board

Mingsong Chen serves as an associate editor of Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers.